Media Resources for Lynne Niehaus


Lynne Niehaus is an artist, interior designer, podcaster, color whisperer, and design shaman. She is the momma to 2 gorgeous, incredible women who inspire her daily. As an intuitive space coach, she helps women strategically dream their environments into reality by combining the laws of science, the art of design, and a healthy dose of woo; all mixed together to create practically magical spaces that honor their visions for themselves and their families.

Our homes should support us, not be an unending source of frustration. Lynne believes that peace and harmony are our natural resting states. She helps women tap into their unique magic to transform their rooms into spaces that inspire and support them. She teaches them to harness the healing power of color. And to dive deep, looking at things from a different perspective, to remove the perceived obstacles and create the harmony their hearts crave.

Lynne has helped clients across the globe transform their spaces with far less resistance (and money) than they dreamed possible by understanding that everything that they need to create is already within their reach.

She has spent the last decade in the Interior Design Industry creating inspired, heart-aligned spaces that are as functional as they are fun!💖

Quotes from Lynne Niehaus: 

“Our hearts are intricately connected to our personal environment. Our spaces provide clues we might not be aware of about what is keeping us stuck.”

“Color affects your vibration; controlling your health, happiness, + your ability to take the action you desire.”

“An energetically aligned home will enhance your emotional + spiritual well-being.”