Tackling Seasonal Allergies
Could our seasonal allergies be exacerbated by our current physical and emotional state?
I believe they are.
We may not be able to completely eradicate our bodies’ reaction to things like pollen this time of year, but we can minimize our symptoms.
Without the use of medication.
Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion.
As a kid, I didn’t hear about seasonal allergies very often.
In fact, when I announced to my family that I had a “debilitating allergy to dust” to avoid spring cleaning, I thought I was pretty unique. I wore that badge proudly for years.
Turns out, I wasn’t quite as special as I thought I was.
As I have continued to rid my house of artificial fragrances and other toxins, I find that I almost never experience anything that you would put the “allergy” label on. And my immune system seems capable of combating other more dangerous invaders as well.
The perfect balance.
If we look at the emotional states that can amplify allergic reactions and how to take action from a more systemic approach, we see a fascinating correlation.
In this episode, I help you find the solutions to take charge of your immune system so that it doesn’t overreact when exposed to all the precious responses our plant friends are producing in the days and weeks ahead.
When we think of our body as a castle, and our immune system as the knights who are protecting the castle, we can start to see how we can approach allergy season with a sense of control rather than helplessness.
We look at
- the science behind an allergic response.
- The properties of the cells that respond.
- The ways to stabilize our defense system
- Natural remedies
- An affirmation
- Colors (yes, colors!) to work with to mitigate overactive sinuses
- And the Chakra involved
You will discover that you have more control over your bodily response systems than you realize.
And that you give yourself credit for!
You will be amazed at the powerful results that these simple shifts can make!
"I am one with ALL OF LIFE.
I am safe at all times."
- Affirmations for Allergies
- Join the Monthly Design Portal Design Portal to unlock the Magic in your own home
Follow Lynne on Instagram @lynne_niehaus1
The LLP Shot:
1-3 drops each in a shot glass with 1 OZ cold filtered water
*Lemon Essential Oil
*Lavender Essential Oil
*Peppermint Essential Oil
**Pure Therapeutic Grade
Experience the power of natural healing with The LLP Shot!
This unique recipe combines three essential oils - Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint - to create a holistic shot that will help you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. You'll be amazed at the energy and clarity you'll experience!
**By scanning the QR code, you can order the LLP Shot ingredients and receive a free wholesale membership for one year!
One lucky listener will win a Branch Basics starter kit.
Just share an episode of the In Her Eyes Podcast on Social Media or with a friend.
Use the hashtag #inhereyespodcast and tag me @lynne_niehaus1 on Facebook and Instagram
Or DM me a screenshot of your share
And you will be entered to win one of my favorite things!
Clean smarter, not harder.
Knowledge is power when it comes to your health!
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**Join the Portal for just $79 and get full access for 30 days which includes 2
30-min 1:1 design/color appointments with Lynne
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Featured Essential Oils
Lemon Benefits
- Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces
- Can be used as a non-toxic cleaner throughout the home
- Uplifting, positive aroma
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
** These links are affiliate links. Lynne is a certified DoTerra wellness advisor and can help you get started on the path to natural healing.