How What You Believe Affects Your Home


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Are you frustrated with the fact that your home, your personal space, isn't how you really would like it to be?

Over the years, I have discovered that for both myself and my design clients there were reoccurring circumstances and situations that presented themselves from allowing us to truly have the spaces that felt and looked as wonderful as we imagined.  Whether it was someone else's messy habits, too little money, not enough square footage, too much stuff, it was something.

What's your something? 

I stumbled across this Hafiz quote that solidified what I had been personally experiencing these last few weeks.
The words you speak become the house you build
Could you have been carrying around false beliefs that are affecting your home, your time, your finances, your love life?

Do you want to find out?  

It's not an easy journey to recognize that our words, our thoughts, our beliefs could be responsible for the frustrations and problems we run up against.

Beliefs are tricky things?  They often keep us locked in a pattern that seems impossible to escape from without even realizing that they are there.

A falsely held belief will create a feedback loop that creates the evidence that allows us to continue to believe it.  The evidence (the results of our actions) become the physical things that show up in our lives.

Which makes it easy to say:  "SEE!  I knew this was true! I will never be able to...."

My recent home renovation adventure has opened up some wounds that I thought had healed.  And I want to use this opportunity as I work through them to help my clients and my listeners identify the things that might be locking you in the same patterns of frustration, anger, and discontent.

I had to recognize that my mind was full of negative thoughts that were perpetuating my inability to move forward: get my business back on track, do the things which ground me and make me productive like journalling and meditation, enjoy spending time with my husband. 

Here is the card that I was gifted with just before recording the podcast episode. Isn't it gorgeous?????

Not having a bedroom space to fully unwind, feel empowered and organized was having real physical implications in both my body and my mind.  I developed sciatic pain and was unable to sleep.  I was angry and out of sorts.  I was fighting with my husband over the dumbest things.  I was resentful of having to try and function in these conditions despite the fact that he was working hours a day on transforming our new home.

As soon as I recognized the thoughts were related to a belief that wasn't actually true.  The sciatica disappeared.  I am able to direct my efforts in the house into the things that matter.  That start to make it functional and efficient. 

I am so excited and honored to have been asked to participate in the upcoming UGLY BEDROOM CHALLENGE hosted by interior designer, Jessica Velazquez.  Talk about DIVINE TIMING!

Not only am I presenting a workshop on color, I am going to do ALL of the exercises each day to GET MYSELF OUT OF THIS EMOTIONALLY CHARGED FUNK!

The lineup of professionals that she has assembled is extraordinary!  (I have links to each of them below if you want to check out their work.)

You can even take immediate action on your bedroom and break the spiral ASAP by registering for the "UGLY BEDROOM CHALLENGE" that runs November 1-November 5th to get the professional advice that you need to take your bedroom from a bland landing pad to an organized and efficient sanctuary that inspires you on a daily basis FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE.   (BUT YOU HAVE TO REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE)

 Tune in to discover: 

  • How you can recognize those beliefs that aren't serving you.  
  • How you can start shifting your beliefs (or helping your daughter shift hers) by identifying which words you are telling yourself 
  • How to begin to use the tools that I give you to get the results in your life that you are looking for
  • How to recognize if you are simply harboring beliefs that you have been told or have been passed down to you 
  • How your home environment becomes a feedback loop to your belief systems
  • How to break the spiral

Workshop Presenters for the Ugly Bedroom Challenge

It has been well documented that the first and last thoughts of your day not only impact your mood but also your health and well-being.  Even some money experts would say your finances.




  • Great design goes way beyond bedding and wall color. 
  • It encapsulates the needs of the girl who dreams, sleeps, and grows there. 
  • It supports her changing emotions and grows with her ever evoloving needs.