Saying Yes:
Have you ever considered how many times you didn't say “yes” to what you truly wanted?
Or how all the things that you have agreed to or feel like you should do eat away at your available time and money?
Are you living life as you desire or are you waiting for one day in the magical distant future when everything will fall into place?
Saying YES is more than not saying no. It’s tapping into the deep-seated place within you where you can identify and align with your truth.
The past few weeks my husband and I shared an incredible vacation visiting the Greek Isles and parts of Italy.
A vacation that I have dreamed of for over 30 years.
During my college years I often frequented my favorite restaurant for a cheap barbecue sandwich.
The artwork on the walls depicted the Greek Isles and I have dreamed of visiting ever since. I finally had the chance to do so, and soaked in every minute of it.
While on my trip, I had an amazing opportunity to lean into ancient energies and hear the stories from Native residents who had these stories passed down from generations.
From rituals with their food,
To the way they view art and architecture,
The habits and daily practices they have integrated.
I returned with electric energy within me, feeling whole and connected, while also dealing with ongoing turmoil in my business.
Deciding what to complete first, what actions to take with this energy, gave me the opportunity to discover what I was going to SAY YES to.
While struggling with the next action steps to take, I knew I needed to set some time aside to re-ground myself and focus back on my work.
I did so by doing an extensive oracle card reading.
For me, they provide an incredible opportunity to get quiet with myself and focus on what I truly want.
Among the cards I drew was Freyja, the goddess of discernment from The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Waterson. Link below.
I had come into this drawing with the question of “what am I going to have to say no to?” and instead I was able to look at my situation with a new light.
What do I want to say yes to?
What am I excited to do?
What do I really want to be doing?
All of these questions also tie into my Human Design, knowing where my energy comes from, where my excitement and intuition comes from, what stimulates it, and then helping me take action from those places by knowing how I individually react.
As a manifesting generator it means I want to do ALL of the things and I get excited about everything that comes my way.
You will find the links below in the resources section to access your free Human Design Chart. I have provided 2 options. They will give you the same result. The Jovian Archive site will provide you with great detail but it is worded in a language that can feel complicated if you are new to the world of Human Design.
I love Jenna Zoe’s site. The information that she provides feels more digestible.
I also love how she describes the system of Human Design.
The world floods us with messages about who we should be in order to survive and thrive in this world – but Human Design teaches that the same advice is not correct for everybody.
The road to being your happiest, most successful self is one that is totally unique to you. Human Design is here to help you recognise your innate gifts and traits, so that you can be who you truly came here to be - which is the most effortless road to living your dream life.
I had this opportunity during the time that I was reflecting on this on the time that I was reflecting on my trip to recognize all the time that I didn't say yes to what I really wanted.
Make your yes holy again by only using it when it is your truth.
At the end of the day, the point that we're all trying to get to, is creating a space that honors the way we desire to live, function the way we desire, to feel the way we desire, to move through the world in the way we desire.
When you are only saying yes to the things that set you on fire, you are moving into alignment with the life that you desire to be living.
If you aren't where you wanted to be, the easiest way to bring yourself into that harmony is to fill your plate with those things that set you on fire.
When something doesn't set us on fire it is because our plate is filled.
“A Sacred Yes feels differently in your body. It vibrates differently.
It takes you to an elevated place of action and alignment.”
-Lynne Niehaus
I get to choose the life I want to live.
Book Recommendation:
Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson:
The Divine Feminine Oracle is an invitation to reclaim your power. It’s a spiritual tool to hone your intuition. Working with it can be a sacred practice of remembering that you contain your own answers. You can drop into your heart, that cathedral of love inside you, and receive what is needed.
Crystals to Work With:
is a stone of prophets, mentors, and psychics. As one of the most potent wisdom crystals, it can help you harness spiritual fortitude and discover your inherent truth.

Color to Work With:
the color of clarity in decision-making, expanding awareness, and prosperity. Gold has the ability to strengthen the health and resolve of all areas of your life when you use it wisely.

Chakra to Work With:
The Solar Plexus, The Energy Center of DOING (Third Chakra):
housed 2 finger widths above your navel, the 3rd Chakra loves to take action. Direct that action by placing your hand over this area and taking a few slow, deep-belly breaths focus on the rise and fall of your hand as you breath in and out.
Celestial Insights: Exploring the Mysteries of the Moon
Waning Gibbous Phase
"What does this mean for me?"
During the Waning Gibbous phase, seize the opportunity to express gratitude and enjoy the rewards of your efforts. As the Moon's light diminishes before the New Moon, it is a fitting moment to appreciate the blessings in your life and share them with loved ones.
Moreover, this phase signifies the culmination of projects and a chance to declutter your mind.

"What else is happening?"
The Taurus Full Moon, occurring this past weekend, infused stability and sensuality, complementing Halloween festivities. Subsequently, a communicative Gemini Moon encourages action and conversation. Towards the week's end, the emotional Cancer Moon emphasizes the need for comfort and protection, reflecting the changing moods of this transformative period.
Do you wish you had someone who understood your design style? Who could help you find the things you see on Pinterest or in magazines? Someone who you could bounce ideas off of and help you avoid costly mistakes? (Login for access)
**Join the Portal for just $79 and get full access for 30 days which includes 2
30-min 1:1 design/color appointments with Lynne
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Each month we feature a Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil to assist with your journey of personal empowerment and creating a healed and healing home for you and your family. As a certified Wellness Advocate and decades of experience with Essential Oils under my belt, I find that essential oils (eo's) are a crucial ingredient in designing spaces that elevate your physical and emotional well-being.
Meet One-on-One with Lynne
Grab a free 30-minute wellness evaluation. This opportunity is exclusive to the In Her Eyes community!

Featured Essential Oil:
To purchase: 10% off until November 30
By purchasing through this link, you are entitled to wholesale pricing on any and all essential oils you purchase from DoTerra for a full calendar year.
How I use it:
- Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.
- Aromatically: Place three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
** These links are affiliate links. Lynne is a certified DoTerra wellness advisor and can help you get started on the path to natural healing.