Color Trends
What does it mean to be trendy?
When clients announce to me that they are “not trendy” upon first consultation, I know that it means one or a combination of these 3 things:
- “I have definitive opinions about what I do and don’t like.”
- “I want the selections in my space to have staying power, i.e. I don’t want my space to feel dated in a couple of years.”
- “I want to feel seen in my space.”
Many times they have invested in products or services that haven’t aged well.
Or conversely, they have made choices they loved in the past. And now what they see in the retail market isn’t their vibe, yet they feel the need to update.
I often get asked about the Colors promoted as “color of the year” by the different companies.
Specifically I get asked what I think.
I have come to recognize that it is a loaded question.
In this episode, I tell you EXACTLY what I think. Muzzle off!
Pantone's color Peach Fuzz 13-1023 is probably the most controversial of the color selections that I discuss.
It reminds a lot of people of the uncomfortable coral and seafoam green combo that gained popularity in the mid-1990's. Or conjures memories of their grandmother's plastic covered living room.
But the Kip's Bay Showhouse in Dallas, TX. featured it in several areas with stunning results.
I don't know anyone who would have qualms with this bedroom!
I saw a number of people complaining about Benjamin Moore's Blue Nova (825) as well.
I know it is a blue with gray tones (and we are supposed to be migrating away from gray) but I find it to be lush and decadent if used properly. That hint of red gives it the air of opulence. Yet the complete palette offered is both warm + grounding.
Sherwin-Williams Upward 6239 shows up in my personal brand colors and is remarkably close to the treasured "Carolina Blue" of my alma mater. Relaxing in small doses could become oppressive if not properly balanced.
No matter how much you love a color, overusing or using it in the wrong light affects both your nervous and endocrine system.
Behr's Cracked Pepper looks pretty spectacular with the peachy pink that shows up for Pantone and Benjamin Moore. Their online marketing images show walls painted in this color. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE PAINTING A WALL AN OFF-BLACK! High traffic areas and spaces that get a lot of water or steam will look terrible in a matter of weeks if you use the wrong paint product or sheen.
An off-black wall may make a great Instagram photo or blog article but isn't necessarily supportive of the active living in a supportive home.
I have some pretty strong opinions, both pro and con, for each selection.
They get cerebral: bringing in Rudolf Steiner’s writings on color energetics. A color he refers to as Peach Blossom in his 1921 lectures on color are relevant in this analysis of Pantone’s selection of Peach Fuzz for 2024 over 100 years later!
They get subjective: I was sailing the deep, history-laden parts of the Mediterranean when Benjamin Moore’s Blue Nova and it’s corresponding color palette was unveiled.
They get biased: a girl’s gotta have favorites!
I explain the difference between a “trend”- which is a forecast with underlying significance. And a “selection”- which is a marketing tactic designed to speak to a particular demographic.
We do live in a consumer-driven society, after all.
Your home should reflect your individuality, inspire you, and propel you forward.
You can understand yourself by understanding how you gravitate toward (or run from!) and what’s right for YOU!
I would love to support in Best Year Ever in 2024.
What current color trends are you thinking of implementing?
“The colours are the soul
of nature and of the cosmos.
And we partake in this soul,
by living in and with
the experience of colour.”.
-Rudolf Steiner
- Connect with Lynne on Instagram @lynne_niehaus1
- Get help with Wall color: Wall Color Consults
- Word of the Year Workbook: The Word of Year 2024
I am now able
to fully embrace all
of the wonderful experiences
my life has to offer
with joy, ease, and love.

Color to Work With:
Peach is a powerful healing color; particularly to the lung + chest area. It helps in releasing stress + tension from the body. It brings gentleness, kindness, and friendliness to your life, attracting new possibilities.

Chakra to Work With:
We talk of intuition in other areas of the body, but denying your own intuitive nudges + not speaking up for yourself + your desires will result in ailments in the throat, thyroid, chest, lung, and mouth areas. You don't always have to express yourself verbally. Surrounding yourself with colors you authentically love, can be healing to these areas.
Celestial Insights: Exploring the Mysteries of the Moon
New Moon Phase
"What does this mean for me?"
During the New Moon phase, the Universe is ripe for receiving your intentions and transforming them into realized dreams. It is a time of fresh beginnings + untapped potential.
Clear off a space and dedicate it to what you would like to see unfold in the next 30 days.

"What else is happening?"
The Capricorn New Moon is occurring on Thursday Jan 11. This lunation asks us to devote ourselves to our most invigorating long-term plans. Because it’s in the persistent sign of the sea goat, the strategies and missions that we commit to during this potent time will have staying power. (from the Chiani App)
Do you wish you had someone who understood your design style? Who could help you find the things you see on Pinterest or in magazines? Someone who you could bounce ideas off of and help you avoid costly mistakes? (Login for access)
**Join the Portal for just $79 and get full access for 30 days which includes 2
30-min 1:1 design/color appointments with Lynne
Discover the Monthly Design Portal
Each month we feature a Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil to assist with your journey of personal empowerment and creating a healed and healing home for you and your family. As a certified Wellness Advocate and decades of experience with Essential Oils under my belt, I find that essential oils (eo's) are a crucial ingredient in designing spaces that elevate your physical and emotional well-being.
Meet One-on-One with Lynne
Grab a free 30-minute wellness evaluation. Lynne is a certified wellness advocate with DoTerra Essential Oils. She has been using natural remedies including oils and energetic healing for over 20 years to mange the health of herself, her family, and her clients. Jump on a quick Zoom to discover holistic options to healing. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

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How I use it:
- Topical Use: Apply 1-2 drops to the belly area, rubbing in a circular motion to relieve nausea, indigestion, or constipation.
- Internal Use: A tasty addition to stir-fry, marinades, or evening tea.
- Aromatically: Place 1-2 drops in the palm of hands to alleviate or prevent car sickness.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
** These links are affiliate links. Lynne is a certified DoTerra wellness advisor and can help you get started on the path to natural healing.